,title-Identity theft: Cases on stolen laptops, hacking and lost CD that shows many cases in United States in 2006 and 2007.
From the seven cases, I found out that most of the thefts are targeting on hospital, school and university and sometimes some organization as well. They are more interested on the personal information such as their names, phone number, address and sometimes some more private and confidential information, in order to abuse these kinds of personal information. From the economy prospective-high demand lead to high supply, the thefts always targeted this kind o information, which means that this information are valuable to some party. They need this information to benefit them.
The causes of these cases most likely incur by human diligence and mistake, which means that people are not so aware and not very concern about internet security and information security as well. The hackers always hack into the system when there is a weakness in their internet security for instance cases in Hospital Ohio and University Of California.
Laptop also is the target since it is portable, enable the thefts easy to stole and carry. Another reason is more and more people using laptop to store information including personal information. However, the security on the information does not get attention from the users to protect their data while the laptop is being stolen.
As a conclusion, there is still have more space to improve the internet security and also information, however it’s still need the cooperation from the users to make it better.
this show that still got many people unaware of the security of the Private and Confidential information and their laptop, it is so suprising after Edison's case.
Congratulations Admin! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this exciting information.
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