Hi Guy! I am Lichian here , this is my first time create blog and involving in blogging activity. This blog is for the purpose of the E-Commerze subject's assignment.I am now still 20 years old and still have one more year to be graduated. I am now taking Bachelor of Commerce(Hons)Accounting in UTAR Hope yours can get through my group blog, and here is very welcoming for comments.
My hobbies including sleeping , eating, watching movie, sometimes even Japanese Cartoon but most of the time watching Hong Kong drama( but i think these all are common hobbies among student!). As a conclusion , my hobbies including everything except studying and memorizing. Following is my Top 5 websites:
- www.friendster.com, everyday i will surf friendster website in order to know my friends latest news, photo and even can get to know more friends.
- wble.utar.edu.my, this website is for me to get the tutorial question, lecture notes and sometimes midterm result as well.
- www.sinchew.com.my, the online sin chew daily can give me the latest news and can also get to know the historical information.
- www.google.com. i normally use Google search engine to search for articles, journals and information.
- www.yahoo.com, i use this website to check for my mail.
- blogging
- downloading music
- chatting
- uploading
- search information
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